Highlights of the 2021 Show Season

After only showing in virtual shows in 2020, we got fully vaccinated and returned to live showing, starting with the May Pinto show. We used to do almost all our showing at New England Pinto and decided to try it again. We took Bunny, Jake, and Luna to the first one in May, which had full classes even in driving. We were ably assisted by Stephanie Rypysc and Athena Gonthier. Jake was Reserve High Point in the Open Mini division while Bunny did super well in driving, earning 9 of the 16 first places in the 4 driving classes! Unfortunately, we missed the July show and half of the September show so barely qualified for year-end awards, but Jake ended up with (unofficial) Registers of Merits (ROMs) in halter and trail. We hope to be back in 2022, perhaps with a slightly different show string.

We also tried a new show series in East Windsor, CT when we took some barn helpers (current and former). We were very proud of the performances of Princess, Luna, and Dancer and pleased with the shows and their awards! We hope to be back. Once the real show season was over (ending on a disappointing note with an emergency vet visit for Bunny) Mary entered a virtual Fall Show series. There were 6 mini classes: halter, showmanship, halter obstacle, hunter over fences (in-hand), pleasure driving, and liberty. Bunny was entered in most or all classes for 3 of the 4 months, and Shaboda was entered in some for 2 months. Competition was stiff, but Bunny was the overall High Point Champion, being overall high point for 5 of the 6 classes (all except liberty which she had never done before)! Shaboda did very well (but Bunny beat him in one of the halter classes) and added halter obstacle and showmanship to his experience. Halter obstacle was the toughest class and he did not place in that overall (recall that Bunny WON it) but he did place in one month..

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